Fotograf studio Constanta | fotograf nunta Constanta
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Fotograf studio Constanta | fotograf nunta Constanta
Povestile din spatele acestor fotografii sunt foarte frumoase, la fel ca protagonistii lor. In concluzie, azi in lumina reflectoarelor Larisa- fotografiata pe plaja de la Corbu si Edi- fotografiat in studioul nostru de la acea vreme. 🙂
I’m takin’ all my kisses back from you
And every breath you held on to
I’m takin’ all my kisses back from you
Give me the hello’s and goodbyes
And pack up every morning and goodnight
I want the sunrises and moons
I’m takin’ all my kisses back
I want my kisses back from you
I want my kisses back from you
Kisses back, I want my kisses back
I want my kisses back, I want my kisses back from you
I want my kisses back, I want my kisses back
I want my kisses back from you
Kisses back, I want my kisses back
I’m takin’ all my kisses back
I want my kisses back from you”.
Dora si Adi,
Cu ochii pe tot ce conteaza.
Copyright © 2016 Orange Photography
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