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Sa inghetam clipa!

fotograf nunta constanta

Fotograf nunta Constanta | Fotograf eveniment | Fotograf botez

Photographs and memories
Christmas cards you sent to me
All that I have are these
To remember you
Memories that come at night
Take me to another time
Back to a happier day
When I called you mine
But we sure had a good time
When we started way back when
Morning walks and bedroom talks
Oh how I loved you then
Summer skies and lullabies
Nights we couldn’t say good-bye
And of all of the things that we knew
Not a dream survived
Photographs and memories
All the love you gave to me
Somehow it just can’t be true
That’s all I’ve left of you
But we sure had a good time
When we started way back when
Morning walks and bedroom talks
Oh how I loved you then…”

“Vine, vine primavara
Se asterne-n toata tara
Floricele pe campii…

Si odata cu ea proiecte si idei noi, toate noi si noi toate. Si tot cu ea, primavara, vin amintirile. Pe care vi le prezentam mai jos, sub forma de fotografii, adunate cu drag in vremea in care proiectul nostru  era la inceput.

O data cu inceperea sezonului de evenimente vom captura noi si noi amintiri ca fotograf nunta Constanta. Si peste un timp ne va napadi iar nostalgia lor… Si tot ca fotograf nunta Constanta vom continua sa facem ce stim mai bine. Sa inghetam clipa, zicem!

Dora si Adi,

Fotografii amintirilor tale

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